A Whole
New Experience

Notifications in iOS 10 are richer and more interactive than ever. Now users can view photos, watch videos, and listen to audio right from inside a notification. Notifications can also display live information, so they can see a friend typing a response to a text or watch as a map updates in real time. You can use all of these capabilities to create rich, interactive, and powerful notification experiences for your apps.

iMessage + Apps.

iOS 10 brings the power of the App Store to Messages. Let users interact directly with your app within Messages, easily download your app, and more.

Learn about iMessage Apps

Siri + Apps.

Your apps can work with Siri, allowing users to access content and services using just their voice. SiriKit extends support for messaging, photo search, and phone calls to more apps, and includes support for new services such as ride booking and person-to-person payments.

Learn about SiriKit

Maps + Apps.

Apps that offer ride booking, restaurant reservations, and other location-related services are accessible from within Maps, allowing users to book, track, and pay. Maps even suggests relevant apps for services in a user's current location.

Learn about Map Extensions

Phone + Apps.

Apps that support VoIP can now use CallKit to work with the Phone app. Calls display directly on the lock screen, and all your app's calls are included in the Recents and Favorite tabs in the Phone app. Users can access controls like Mute and Call Waiting, easily open your app right from the call, and add your app as an option for contacts in Favorites.

Learn about CallKit

More APIs and Frameworks

In addition to extending your apps to Messages, Siri, Phone, and Maps, iOS 10 SDK provides APIs and services that enable more capabilities with HomeKit, Live Photos, CarPlay Siri Support, CloudKit, and more.

Read What’s New in iOS